The Vision:Revival, Ministers,
and Fellowship International
The Story — Past, Present, and Future By Dr. RA Evans Jr.
While driving a truck across the country some years back, my father, Richard Evans Sr. said that the Holy Sprit begin to move on him as he started noticing a sizable number of small churches. Dad asked himself some questions.
“I wonder if these churches were orphaned?”
“Do these pastors, like so many other pastors in small churches, have to hold down a job in order to pay the utilities of the Church?”
“Was this church body able to support the pastor and his family?”
Dad wondered if these churches had other churches to fellowship with and did these pastors need other pastors for fellowship and encouragement. All of this ran through his mind. Eventually, as God moved my father to pastor a church in Brady (Brady Revival Center), he remembered those churches all over Texas. His congregation embraced his concerns and Brady Revival Center started regular monthly fellowship meetings with other churches.
My father’s plan was that a special offering would be received for the local pastor and his wife who were hosting the meeting. This would encourage the pastor and his congregation both emotionally (to see the church full) and financially (allowing them the money to do those special things that were on their hearts). He went on to explain how that if the church was not able to provide refreshments because they didn’t have enough people or if they were limited on money then the congregation of Brady Revival Center would help by providing the refreshments.
After it reached the point that there were as many as twelve (12) churches attending the monthly fellowship meetings, Dad felt it was time for Brady Revival Center to step aside. The decision was made to develop a new organization that could support this new vision that God had given him and the members of Brady Revival Center. Christian Community Church was created and Revival Ministers Fellowship International was started. The board of Christian Community Church and Brady Revival Center set in place a plan to financially support the new RMFI. God has continued to bless RMFI as other churches, ministries, and individuals continue to give by tithing, special offerings, or fifth Sunday gifts.
RMFI began with just a simple little vision and Dad says he sometimes still wonders just how big this picture [organization] will get. “You know it has gotten so big - that I had almost forgotten where it ll started.” RMFI has grown from the original vision that God had given him and he says that he is pleased that God is providing new servants, pastors, churches, and ministers to take RMFI into that next vision. Leading RMFI into this next level of growth as a supportive member to the Body of Christ is a diversified Board of Directors. As Chairman of the Board Richard also focuses his effort to being the General Overseer of RMFI and has watched as God has blessed the growth of the organization making opportunities to work in the mission fields.
The overall vision of RMFI is not only to bring fellowship to the local church, but it is also to take revival around the world. We are already doing this by supporting various ministries with our prayers and financial support. Some of these ministries include Jim Hester Missionary Ministries, Orlando Miller’s Foreign Missions Outreach, Walthall Ministry, Prison Ministry of Dr. C. C. Stokes, just to name a few. RMFI has helped support both large and small group mission trips in the United States, into the southern part of Mexico and just across the Texas-Mexico border.
Bro Justin McFarland (a public school teacher in Texas) makes regular trip to Mexico visiting Pastors such as Juan Alvaro in Puyipa, Chiapas, Mexico to cultivate relationship and opportunities for churches to fellowship and their soul saving efforts in Mexico, Rev Marshall Hall (pastor of New Life Ministries Alvarado, TX) has made regular trip to Palenque Chiapas, Mexico on behave of RMFI to evaluate and verify that the investments we are make is being used with integrity, while Dr. RA Evans ( a college Professor in San Angelo, TX, specializing in education) has also made regular trips to Palenque, Puyipa, and Acuna, Mexico, to Poneloya Nicaragua, and numerous places in the United States to explore opportunities to extend the RMFI fellowship opportunities with member and non-member churches to impact not only the Church Body but the communities that were these churches reside, and Pastor Richard Evans Sr (pastor Brady Revival Center in Brady TX and RMFI Chairman) continues to travel both nationally and internationally to support embracing and encouraging the pastors of churches to fellowship with other churches and he still takes time to encourage the pastor and their congregations both emotionally and financially. These are just a few of the wonderful opportunities that God as allowed RMFI to presently to support.
As we look ahead, we believe that God has an awesome plan for RMFI and its member churches. It is exciting to see how God has orchestrated such an array of talents and gifts to come into association and be bound together with love and unity. God is truly preparing us for something great. I see us reaching and being a light to our communities in an even greater way. God is encouraging us to remember to “put new wine in new wine skins” be open to new ways and new technologies that are available to us to reach our communities and our world with the Gospel but to do more we will need additional Ministry Support Team Members.
Would you consider being a part of RMFI’s Ministry Support Team?
A Ministry Support Team is made of many different members all with different responsibilities. The RMFI Ministry Support Team is made up of those who “Go” plus those who “Pray” and those who “Send.” As a member of the RMFI Ministry Support Team, you will be participating in the mission experience of spreading God’s Word around the world and help churches and the Body of Christ continue to grow. Our most important need is for people to “pray” as we prepare to send individuals out into the field. We are confident that if the Prayer Partners are on task, everything else will fall into place. Our prayer emphasis is that:
The Holy Spirit will precede all our travels throughout the different regions.
Everything our teams do will glorify God.
Satan will be bound relative to our team’s missions.
That the members of all RMFI teams will have stamina, good health, and safety throughout their travels.
If you would like to be a part of RMFI Mission and Fellowship Support Teams, you have the opportunity to share in the blessings of this mission in the same way that the members of the churches at Philippi and Corinth shared with the Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:16-17 and 2 Corinthians 8:4). Pleases let us know if you decide to be apart of the RMFI effort by dropping us a card and telling us how you want to support the RMFI team. Send those cards to
2668 A and M ave
San Angelo, TX 76904
Would you like to help support RMFI's missions with a financial contribution simply send your tax deductible contribution to to the address above. If you want to use your Debit Card, Credit Card, or Checking Account or - just click the button below and get started. You will receive a tax receipt showing your tax deductible contribution each time you give to RMFI as well as an end of the year statement of your total annual contribution. Donate